GHCC (Health Command)

Gurukulam  health command centre(GHCC)

Gurukulam  health command centre(GHCC) which has been established to monitor the health of the students and facilitate the medical support as and when required. Medical team works 24*7 ensuring round the clock availability for timely interventions.

The key activities include

  •         To track and monitor the health of the students in all TGTWREIS &EMRS every day.
  •      Ensuring timely and effective response to any medical emergencies 24*7 along with field operations.
  •      Coordinate with Health &Family welfare Department for required in time health care facilities like conducting medical screening camps(RBSK,T-Diagnostics), issuing  First aid medicines, Doctor visits etc.
  •      Organizing & conducting training and capacity building programs for all the primary care takers of the children at our institutions to promote good health practices and positive health seeking behavior.
  •      Ensure the Implementation of the suggested health programs in all our institutions  like conducting health education classes every Tuesday, DRYDAY, Life saving group, Mess committee etc
  •      Monitor and recommend best sanitation and practices.
  •      Tracking and monitoring to ensure well equipped wellness centers in all our institutions.
  •      Follow up and facilitate all the known cases of Anemia & Chronic diseased children for review  investigations and treatment.
  •      Maintain updated institution wise medical health records of all the institutions under TGTWREIS &EMRS.
  •      Team is also working on development of web application  for maintaining student health records.